Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Paraphrasing ..

I had been watching an oldie 'To kill a mocking bird' few days back, a movie based on a novel by Harper Lee with same name. There is this lawyer in this movie Atticus Finch , a widower and his two children Scout and Jem. Set out in 1930's, this movie talks about racial discrimination that was prevalent amongst whites and blacks. Also does it display a lot more nice things. My this blog entry is not at all meant to give any review on the film or the novel. Be safe.

Now I have just been wondering watching it that these two kids of this lawyer call him by his name only, 'Atticus'. To these kids, their father means their world, they stand by him, they look up to him, they are happy to have him around, they respect him, listen to him, do everything what a father-child relationship ideally might ask for.and at times they would do more than that. And he too doesn't enforce things, would rather justify, would be a listener to his kids, would be protective, would do the rightest to teach them truth. But they would call him only 'Atticus'.

It sounded strange to me thinking calling my dad or momma by their names. But what if I weren't taught the usual way of calling them mamma and papa, I would probably have still shown the same respect and love in return of theirs.But I said 'in return'. Love comes from love, respect from respect. Respect and love doesn't come with titles, neither it goes away calling someone's names. It comes with heart. It never comes one-sided even.

Another thing that I perceived thinking all this is the power of word 'You'. We in Hindi use tu, tum, aap to show an order of respect. While its not sure even that when we call somebody aap we really do respect him or not. So we go hypocrites in expressions. But then this word 'You' prevents displaying such phoneyness.

I don't mean to say that flaw lies with my language of origin to have provision of such words which help inhibition for convenience. Neither I intend to break out saying English is the only language of unfeigned expressions.

I just mean that respect comes from heart only. And is phrased in words. But if we end up being impostors, we are just paraphrasing our emotions with some more respectful words. And that's it.

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