Just a bit of all that she cooks! |
If P is true Q is true
Inversion says If P is not true Q is not true either.
Now I am going to prove in this post that I don't cook great by this theorem based on some illustrated facts.
I have my parents here visiting me for a month. And since the time my mom is here, I don't know if my kitchen is missing me or not but I am not missing it by any chance. My mom was able to get adjusted quite sooner with my kitchen. Of course, a good Kitchener has this ability of finding comfort in any new kitchen space along with cooking some great food.
So, usually every evening when I set away for home from my office in the evening I have my head ticking to find which restaurant can be hit tonight for dinner. Oh I am gutsy to cook lunch almost every day. But while I leave off from office, dinner is one craving that I wish to be satisfied deliciously. And my mind is battling at that moment for dinner outside vs. home. Even though I am not that lazy hands and feet (ass) that I can't cook my dinner (I run 4 miles every alternate day ), I resist self-cooking at that moment.
But since the time she is here, though my head ticks again to choose Chipotle/TGIF/Cheesecake/Sweet Tomatoes vs Mamma's food, my taste buds just shout out telling me to go home .!
You see!
And then I asked myself, what is the matter girl?
And here then came this concept of inversion:
When Mamma is cooking dinner -> I don't go outside for dinner
Negation (When Mamma is cooking dinner) -> Negation (I don't go outside for dinner)
When I know I am cooking dinner -> I go outside for dinner
P.S. Mamma not cooking dinner means I am doing that
Hence proved!
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