Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I love Dunkin Donuts!

Are you sweet-tooth?
I have every reason to say that I am one. I love ice-creams,donuts, chocolates, a lot.
And once a day, I do get a craving to have one of them. Last day, it was for ice-cream and I had chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. ;) Darn! I know there should be a post on ice-creams. How can I miss that!
Must be coming soon !
Anyway, it is about donuts today. For most of the times, Dunkin Donuts is where I get my donuts from. It has been kind of a routine that we pay visit to Dunkin before,.....Hold on ! I think I am talking too much about my routine on my posts. Routine picture , this one talked about one of my morning routines too ;) So lets just skip my routines and lets talk about what Dunkin has to offer for me or if you wanna try what I like to have.
Maple Frosted Donuts, You can trust this not so charming looking donut.

Chocolate Glazed. It is never surprising for me to invest my interest in chocolate varieties of anything.

Here comes my favorite. Blueberry Cake donut. One to go for at first place !

When you don't know what to choose, this is the one to have.
Would you still like to say that you are not a sweet tooth when you have made through the entire post reading about sugar  and reached that part where I say Goodbyes and 'See you later' things. ??
Laughter Rolling. Cya.

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