Wednesday, April 11, 2012

We shall overcome !

It is like a tree standing in some gushing storms,
Battered by the thrust wreaked on it,
Struggling against the tormenting force that wants to take a defeat on it,
Beaten in unanimous direction of sweeping strength,
It suffers the pains in tolerance,
Leaves are gone,
Fruits lay alone,
Holding on to its roots,
Beliefs say,
It would go away.


Kushal said...

good :)

Anonymous said...

My belief say,
It is dancing,
Having experience,
becoming strong,
it will never go away.
never ever.
new leaves, new fruits will come,
gushing storms will refresh,
help it getting updated.....
:) :)

Ritu Bansal

k!Rti said...

Good thought, rightly said:)