Thursday, April 28, 2011

Alas ..

An oldie again .. :)

Victory, I couldn't achieve

My heart gave a call,
And awakened some desires.
Desires, that were new,
But strong enough to breathe in blues.
I stepped in their direction,
And started moving as they went on.
Like I was to climb a hill,
To make to the top,
To reach some heights,
To realize some dreams,
Victory, I couldn't achieve.

The way was tough,
And to add to it,
My luck was rough.
I struggled the hardest,
Fought the mightiest.
Those heights remained untouched,
Those dreams, unrealized,
Those desires, trampled.And
Victory, I couldn't achieve.

From the beginning,
I knew,
It was a losing deal.
But 'perhaps' was the word
that gave me a feel.
I kept smiling,
I kept struggling,
With just an odd in favour,
With some hopes undying,
With my truth lying,
Steadying my moves,
I kept alive my belief.
Victory, I couldn't achieve.

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