Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dot dot dot ... ?!?!?!

Life can have many philosophies on which it can be explained .Like a religious Hindu sect of people which believes in idol worship can explain all their life on the basis of facts revolving around idol worship. A doctor can do it on the basis of all medicinal causes, purposes and reasons. A scientist or a technician can do it all on the basis of his knowledge.

Hence to describe , explain and conceptualize life, emerges out philosophies of varying kinds which has their origins in the kind of the knowledge the philosopher of the respective philosophy possess.And each such kind of philosophy tends to contradict the other one and in a case where people of contradicting philosophies happen to clash over an issue, it is hard to find out a true, reliable and trustworthy solution.

And such a mess finds its physical existence for me when I am one of those contradicting parties which is arguing over subject, a subject that primarily could be of self-importance , while usually it is the one concerning societal practices, beliefs and vision.

Like a case where someone was foretelling bad fortune of a couple in discussion for marriage and girl and guy both happened to be my friends. Such a case would stand substantially apart when given a vision of a scientist or of the fortune teller himself or of some Hindu pandit or of some physicist or of some financial analyst or of the girl and guy in the discussion itself.
And life in such a case wont just be life. It becomes a perspective projected on the basis of the knowledge held by the respective beholder. And hence it becomes so damn complicated.

Or probably simply the case that I have mentioned would mean a lot when the origin of such a case is shifted to Indian suburbs or to a sect of society which die-hardly holds such beliefs, while it would hold no meaning if origin is shifted to a society like that of West or probably the Sikh sect in India itself.
So does that mean the fortune for a guy and gal in discussion change had they got birth in some other Indian sect or probably some other part of the world .I get confused at such a point. Actually.
And I doubt to hold on to any belief other than of simple and easy living.
A logical living.
Isn't this world, life and society if described on the basis of so many philosophies based on varying pools of knowledge concerning some million aspects of life makes everything all the way messy ..?
Isn't chilling the best way .. ?


Unknown said...

I can only say dat.. A person, a relation, a tree, a flower, a dog, a lamb, a star, a sun... Everyone in the universe has a Destiny.
No matter what u do.. u see it, u change it, u hide, u avoid.. It will get to you..and u will get what u r destined to..

Anonymous said...

u r a profoundly thoughtful person, which i was not earlier aware of :-)